Terry Morse Myrmidon Version 2.1 Demo ------------------------------------ This installer will install Terry Morse Myrmidon™ 2.1 Demo into the currently active System folder. If you have an older version of Myrmidon, it will be moved to the trash. This demo will convert up to 25 documents. To install the Demo, simply follow the instructions for the installer. Once the installation is complete, simply select Myrmidon from the Chooser and you will be ready to turn any document into a web page. To customize the way Myrmidon performs its conversion, choose the "Page Setup..." command from any application.     What is Terry Morse Myrmidon? -------------------------------- Terry Morse Myrmidon 2.1 brings a new level of simplicity and elegance to Web authoring. With just one click, it converts any Mac file into a Web page. Design your page using ANY application (MS-Word, ClarisWorks, QuarkXPress, PageMaker, even MacDraw). Then with one click, Terry Morse Myrmidon converts it to a Web page. Thanks to its exclusive Wizzy-Web™ technology, Terry Morse Myrmidon creates a Web page that looks virtually identical to the original document. Features: 1. Compatible with any Mac application that has a Print command 2. Matches a document's appearance using Wizzy-Web™ technology 3. Converts all graphics to GIF or JPEG format 4. Optionally separates long documents into multiple linked Web pages 5. Maintains overlapping of graphics and text 6. Maintains text font, size, style, color, and line spacing 7. Optionally performs antialising of text and graphics 8. Optionally dithers colors to provide better color match 9. Automatically detects URLs and converts them to links 10. Automatically previews Web pages in a specified browser 11. PowerPC native for improved speed 12. Supports visual editing with GoLive CybertStudio Requirements 1. Macintosh computer (68020 or better, or PowerPC) 2. 8 MB RAM (recommended) 3. System 7.1 or later, or OS 8 Terry Morse Software, Inc. 4546 B10 El Camino Real, Suite 427 Los Altos, CA 94022 mailto:info@terrymorse.com http://www.terrymorse.com voice:1-650-858-1017 fax:1-650-494-6272